Managing money effectively is a skill that can take some time to develop, but it's well worth the effort. By learning how to manage your money wisely, you can reduce stress, achieve your financial goals, and gain greater financial security. Here are 20 ways I have used to manage my money effectively: Create a budget:... Continue Reading →
The most amazing side hustle yet – Budgeting! – Part 3
Welcome to part 3 of the most amazing side hustle yet – Budgeting. If you haven’t already read my previous blogs, please take a look at them here. I believe that in order to have a successful acquisition of wealth you need to be able to budget. I call it a side hustle because it sometimes... Continue Reading →
The most amazing side hustle yet – Budgeting! – Part 2
Welcome to part 2 of the most amazing side hustle yet - Budgeting. If you haven't already read part 1, please take a look at it here. To recap, in part 1 we discussed how I determined what my expenses were based on my Income, Fixed costs, and Variable costs. From that, I was able... Continue Reading →
I have found the most amazing side hustle yet – Budgeting!
Alright, I know what your going to say. Budgeting is not a Side Hustle. Hear me out before you move on and call me names. The object of side hustles is to make money....Right? Well it just so happens you may have money that you were not aware of. What I mean is simple, if... Continue Reading →